February 9, 2013


Yum! ¡Mmmm! ¡Qué Rico!: Americas' Sproutings


Mora, Pat. 2007. YUM! MMMM! QUE RICO!. Ill. by Rafael Lopez. NY: Lee & Low Books. ISBN 978-1-58430-271-1


YUM! MMMM! QUE RICO! is a collection of haiku poems by the award winning author and poet, Pat Mora.  From chocolate to corn, chile to blueberries, pecans to pumpkins, this book is filled with 14 haikus about foods of the Americas.  Included on each two page spread is also background information and interesting facts about the food focused on.  This information, along with the creatively written haikus and beautiful illustrations make each page both informative and entertaining.  The illustrations by Rafael Lopez are both bright and colorful and the food featured in the poem is clearly found in each picture.

Most of the foods featured in the book are recognizable for children, making the book appropriate for young and old readers alike.  Mora successfully uses descriptive language that appeals to the senses while sticking to the brief haiku format throughout the whole book.  These poems keep the reader engaged while teaching them about different foods found in the Americas   


Fudge, cake, pies, cookies.
Brown, magic melts on your tongue.
Happy, your eyes dance.

Most students have a lot of background knowledge about chocolate and the descriptive language used in this poem will have their mouths watering.  The sensory images created will help the reader appreciate the art of poetry.

Teachers could set up stations around the room that have the food featured in each poem along with the poem itself.  This would help the poems come to life for students.  They could create their own poem about the food.

The poems could be used to teach about haiku poems.  Students could each write a haiku poem about an animal found in a certain region that they have just researched.  Each poem could be put together to create a poetry book about animals found in that particular region.

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